NDT Russia - 2025
NDT Russia - 2025

TELECOMS LOYALTY & Customer Data Monetization: Customer Retention and Marketing Analytics - 2018

Attention! The event is over.

9th Forum

Date: 13.12.2018 - 13.12.2018 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Connectica Lab

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Society


Venue: Grand Hotel Marriott

The event will bring together about 100 participants from Moscow, regions of Russia and CIS countries - representatives of the business community and government agencies, fixed and mobile operators and providers, media and Internet companies, application developers, vendors, solution providers and services, system integrators, analysts and industry experts, representatives of industry and business media.

Key topics of the Forum:

  • Telecom Loyalty-what tools remain today?
  • The maximum latitude of the channel and speed as a factor in loyalty today
  • Real Time customer relations. AGILE tools. Can Telecom operators "compete" with Internet companies?
  • Where to invest-in reducing churn or building a new subscriber base?
  • The main factors to ensure the reduction of customer churn and increase their loyalty. Features and practice of minimizing the number of inactive subscribers. Practical approach
  • Introduction and promotion of the latest services, products and services by operators and providers of telecommunication services to minimize churn and growth of the subscriber base
  • Evaluation of the economic efficiency of loyalty programs. Financial management in Telecom
  • The main components of the effectiveness of customer churn management and loyalty (completeness of customer information, knowledge of demand, segmentation of customer bases)
  • CRM. What is customer relationship and how do I automate the management of these relationships? System of management customers for VCC (customer lifecycle)
  • Systems of analysis and segmentation of variable customer churn. Analytics of subscribers ' behavior. Using data Mining classification algorithms. Triggers versus predictive models
  • Building unified communications with the client on the basis of common platforms
  • Modeling of flow and churn prediction. Predictive churn models, segmentation, cross/ sale, bonus programs
  • Brand and corporate culture as the basis for the formation of loyalty programs. Marketing, branding
  • New ways to retain subscribers: analysis and use of social networks. Illusions, opportunities, models of use
  • Outsourcing of customer loyalty management
  • Practice of virtual operator in Russia
  • Building customer loyalty through involvement in the development of the company's services (the client - as a "Microtimer")
  • How to avoid the growth of outflow of subscribers in debt collection?
  • Combating outflow in a global Multi-SIM environment
  • Social media: new methods of establishing loyal customer relations with the operator
  • The specificity of and approaches to questions client analysts on TV channel
  • Gamified loyalty programs on social media. Formation of customer loyalty
  • "Mobile" marketing-purchase of the first smartphone / tablet as a subscriber binding factor through the "first night effect"
  • Big Data (BD) vs. SQM / CEM solutions. The formation of personal offers for the customer the BD
  • Non-operator VoIP / OTT services and platforms
  • Increased customer satisfaction as a KPI
  • Is there any specificity of "education" of loyalty and customer retention in the media and Internet business
  • Reception, storage and data processing of Telecom operators. Realities and opportunities. The Law Of Spring
  • Vendors vs. Operators
  • Russian and foreign vendors-volume levels
  • Loyalty Data Management as a factor of existence and development of loyalty systems
  • Algorithms for processing large amounts of data from Telecom operators in a new environment

Additional information:
