Venue: InterContinental Hotel
Exhibition Sections:
- Hygiene and cosmetic means for children
- Baby food and beverages, health food, vitamins
- Medical preparations for children
- Clothes, footwear and accessories for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers
- Means and equipment for baby care, including newborns
- Equipment for rehabilitation and children's medical facilities
- Medical centers
- Bedding and accessories
- Children's furniture and interior articles for home, kindergardens and educational establishments
- Children's transport and implements
- Sports equipment and implements
- Toys, games, including educational and developing ones
- Meccanos, assembly and radio controlled models
- Electronic and computer games
- Training computer programs
- Developing equipment for play rooms, grounds and parks
- Means and systems of education and upbringing
- Learning aids and periodicals for children and youths
- Educational establishments
- Stationery