Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"
Exhibition is held as part of the International Forum "CITY BUILD - 2008".
Exhibition Sections:
- Investment projects
- Executed projects of built structures by development of underground in Moscow, Russian cities and abroad. Projects of future underground complexes
- Technologies of building city underground complexes and tunnels (fencing, understructure and piling, soil solidification, drainages and dewatering, new methods of tunnelling and communication laying, drilling and blasting works)
- New metro lines in complex with city undeground structures (Moscow city etc.)
- Modern building materials (concrete mixtures, cements, dry building mixtures, hydro-, and heat-proof materials, forms, fireproof materials). Finishing materials
- Engineering systems in underground building (venting and air conditioning, water supply, heat supply, networks of tunnel lighting, fire preventive and safety systems)
- Monitoring, geotechnical and geodesic measurements
- Machines and equipment for underground building (earth moving, drilling, excavating, piling)
- Mine surveying and geodesy
- Scientific support (expertize, consulting)
- Personnel training
- Hoisting and transporting equipment