Venue: Tatarstan, Kazan, Orenburgsky tract, 8
Exhibition Sections:
- Medical engineering
- Diagnostic devices and installations
- Equipment for X-ray diagnostics and beam therapy
- Electromedical devices, installations, tools
- Tools and devices for surgery, orthopaedy, urology, gynaecology and obstetrics, ophthalmia, therapy
- Means for urgent help
- Express diagnostics
- Mobile hospitals and complexes
- Intensive therapy and reanimation
- Laboratory engineering and equipment
- Pharmacology
- Medicine and medicinal preparations
- Vitamins and food additives
- Medical cosmetics
- Equipment for manufacture and control of medicinal means. Stomatology and dental technical laboratories
- Equipment, tools, materials and accessories
- Equipment for medical studies, medical institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums
- Professional and protective clothes
- Medical furniture
- Desinfection and sanitary means and devices
- Equipment for drugstores
- Software
- Medical manuals, scientific and technical literature
Characteristic of the market:
Republic Tatarstan is the region of active development and expansion material base of public health services. There is a great demand for medical engineering at working establishments of public health services. First of all - equipment operational, the devices of functional diagnostics, X-ray devices, stomatological equipment etc. The new hospitals and polyclinics (for the period with 1999г. on 2001г. - more 30 new objects of public health services) have been built. All of them are equipped by new medical engineering. The basic directions of development of medical branch of republic are determined by the Concept of the intermediate term program of reforming of public health services and Plan of measures on its realization authorized by the decision of a Study of the Ministers . Capacity of the pharmaceutical market of republic is great. The retail network is submitted by 1063 chemist's establishments of republic, from them 55 % - state and 45 % - not state. In wholesale realization of medicinal preparations 139 wholesale warehouses (26 % - state and 74 % - not state) are engaged.