Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"
Exhibition Sections:
- Collection and transportation, waste treatment technologies, recycling, integrated waste management, waste minimization, products from waste
- Specialized section - ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap recycling - ScrapExpo
- Renewable energy (REnergo) - waste-to-energy; bioenergy (biogas and landfill gas, biomass)
- Municipal and Industrial wastewater treatment. Public toilets
- Air-pollution control (LuftTech)
- Air and gas treatment technologies, dust prevention and ventilation, odor removal and control
- Reclamation of contaminated sites
- Industrial cleaning
- Green buildings
- Improvement of territories
- Street cleaning, operating and snow removal. Planting of trees and gardens. Greenspace
- Environmental pollution control (EcoLab)
- Industrial safety and labour protection