Здравоохранение Дагестана - 2025

Weldex / Rossvarka - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

12th International Specialized Exhibition of Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies

Date: 23.10.2012 - 26.10.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Museum and Educational Center "Sokolniki"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. To come into new markets
  2. To increase contract values
  3. To establish relations with existing customers and resume relations with the former ones
  4. To examine the market situation
  5. To raise the company status in the industry

Exhibition Sections:

  • Arc and argon welding of metal: hand machine welding, automatic robotic welding. Dip-transfer surfacing of pieces, retailoring. Equipment and technologies of arc and argon metal welding and dip-transfer surfacing
  • Gas, plasma, gas-flame metal-working: gas-flame welding, welding deposition of pieces, thermal gas and plasma cutting. Gas-operated welding equipment, apparatus, machine-tools and technologies of gas-flame, gas and plasma welding and welding deposition of metal. Equipment, machine-tools and technologies for thermal gas and plasma cutting of metal
  • Laser welding, cutting, welding deposition of metals: hand, machine, robotic. Equipment, machine-tools and technologies for laser welding, welding deposition and laser cutting
  • Contact welding. Equipment and technologies for contact welding
  • Equipment and technologies for plastic welding
  • Equipment and technologies of the production of welding materials
  • Soldering of metals: gas, laser. Equipment (devices, units) and technologies for gas and laser soldering of metals (steel, aluminum etc)
  • Riveting of metals and other materials. Equipment, technologies and materials for the creation of permanent connections by the riveting of metal and other materials
  • Adhesion. Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for the creation of permanent connections by adhesion
  • Metal forging. Equipment, technologies and materials for the creation of permanent connections by blacksmith's welding and forging of metal
  • Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for pipeline construction for the transportation of oil, gas, water, heat, acids, alkali, industrial and domestic waste waters
  • Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for the welding of human and animal tissues
  • Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for the welding of optical fibers
  • Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for underwater welding
  • Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for the welding in the space
  • Equipment for thermal processing (welding, cutting, soldering, welding deposition) of materials and welding structures
  • Materials for welding, cutting, welding deposition, sputtering, soldering of steel, aluminum and other metals: solders, electrodes, wires, welding gases
  • Means and methods of protection against harmful industrial factors: ventilation systems, welder's working clothes, welder's helmets "chameleon", respirators
  • Welding tools and devices
  • Welded fittings
  • Electronic elementary base and components for the production of welding and gas-operated welding equipment
  • Methods of training and skill-development of welders
  • Scientific developments in the field of welding
  • Renovation of welding equipment
  • Saloon of used and restored welding equipment
  • Quality control of welding connections, basic and welding materials:
    • non-destructive inspection
      • radiation testing methods
      • magnetic and eddy current testing methods
      • penetrant testing
      • means for mechanical testing of welded joints
      • welding parameter registration and processing systems
      • laboratory equipment

Additional information:
