Date | Title, short description | |
17.10 19.10.2019 |
Krasnoyarsk Digital Forum (KDF) - 2019 17th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
24.05 24.05.2019 |
Advanced Automation Technologies. PTA-Krasnoyarsk - 2019 Specialized Conference |
07.12 08.12.2018 |
NAUKA0+ 2018 All-Russian Science Festival |
18.10 20.10.2018 |
itCOM. Information Technology. Telecommunications - 2018 16th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
12.10 14.10.2017 |
itCOM. Information Technology. Telecommunications - 2017 15th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
13.10 15.10.2016 |
itCOM. Information Technology. Telecommunications - 2016 14th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
15.10 17.10.2015 |
itCOM. Information Technology. Telecommunications - 2015 13th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
Online catalog Press release |
11.03 13.03.2015 |
Advanced Automation Technologies PTA - Siberia - 2015 International Specialized Exhibition |
15.10 17.10.2014 |
itCOM. Information Technology. Telecommunications - 2014 12th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
Press release |
16.10 18.10.2013 |
itCOM. Information Technology. Telecommunications - 2013 11th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
Press release |
20.03 22.03.2013 |
Advanced Automation Technologies PTA - Siberia - 2013 International Specialized Exhibition |
17.10 19.10.2012 |
itCOM. Information Technology. Telecommunications - 2012 10th Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunication Facilities, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
Press release |
19.10 21.10.2011 |
itCOM-Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2011 Specialized Exhibition of Means of Communication and Telecommunication, Computers, Information and Internet Technologies |
20.10 22.10.2010 |
itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2010 17th Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means, Computers, Information and Internet-Technologies |
24.02 26.02.2010 |
Advanced Automation Technologies PTA - Siberia - 2010 2nd International Specialized Exhibition |
22.10 24.10.2009 |
itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009 16th Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means, Computers, Information and Internet-Technologies |
06.10 08.10.2009 |
Business of Siberia - 2009 8th Interregional Forum of Small and Middle Business Enterprises |
22.10 25.10.2008 |
IT-technologies. Communications-Infocom - 2008 16th Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means, Computers, Information and Internet-Technologies |
Press release |
07.10 10.10.2008 |
Business of Siberia. Contract - 2008 7th Interregional Forum of Small and Middle Business Enterprises; Equipment and Technologies, Banking and Auditing Services, Licencing and Certification, Normative Documents and Special Literature |
07.10 10.10.2008 |
Business Accounting, Finances, Management - 2008 Exhibition of Software for Financial & Economic Activity of Enterprise; Auditing & Consulting Services |
28.05 30.05.2008 |
Tele-and-Radio Communication. TRC - 24 Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies of Tele-and-Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunication |
18.04 19.04.2008 |
Krasnoyarsk. Technologies of the Future - 2008 Assembly |
01.11 03.11.2007 |
Communication - 2007 15th Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means, Computers, Information and Internet-Technologies |
02.10 05.10.2007 |
Accounting, Finances, Management - 2007 Exhibition of Software for Financial & Economic Activity of Enterprise; Auditing & Consulting Services |
Press release |
21.11 24.11.2006 |
Communication - 2006 14th Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means, Computers, Information and Internet-Technologies |
14.11 17.11.2006 |
Communication. Information Technologies - 2006 Specialized Exhibition |
14.11 17.11.2006 |
Safety and Security - 2006 Specialized Exhibition |
19.09 22.09.2006 |
Business Accounting, Finances, Management - 2006 Exhibition of Software for Financial & Economic Activity of Enterprise; Auditing & Consulting Services |
Press release |
24.05 26.05.2006 |
Tele-and-radio communication. TRC - 24 The Specialized exhibition of equipment, technologies of tele-and-radio broadcasting and telecommunication |
Press release |
22.11 25.11.2005 |
Communication-Infocom - 2005 13th Specialized exhibition of communication and telecommunication means, computers, information and Internet-technologies |
20.09 23.09.2005 |
Business accounting, finances, management - 2005 The exhibition of software financial & economic activity of an enterprise; auditing & consulting services |
Press release |
25.05 27.05.2005 |
Tele-and-radio communications - 24 The Specialized exhibition of equipment, technologies of tele-and-radio broadcasting and telecommunication |
Press release |
23.11 26.11.2004 |
Communication - 2004 12th Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
21.09 24.09.2004 |
Business accounting, finances, management - 2004 Ehibition of software financial & economic activity of an enterprise; auditing & consulting services |
26.05 28.05.2004 |
TRK - 24 The 1th Specialized exhibition. |
25.11 28.11.2003 |
Protection & Security - 2003 The 8th specialized exhibition. |
25.11 28.11.2003 |
Communication - 2003 11th Specialized Exhibition |
23.09 26.09.2003 |
Business accounting, finances, management - 2003 Exhibition of software financial & economic activity of an enterprise; auditing & consulting services |
03.06 06.06.2003 |
Advances of science & technics - development of siberian regions - 2003 All-Russia exhibition & conference |
12.11 15.11.2002 |
Communication. Electrotechnology - 2002 The 10th specialized exhibition of connection facilities, communication and telecommunication media. |
24.09 27.09.2002 |
Eniseiinfocom - 2002 The 10th trade show of computers, software, information technologies and office equipment. |
20.11 23.11.2001 |
Communication. Electrotechnology - 2001 The 9th specialized exhibition of connection facilities, communication and telecommunication media. |
25.09 28.09.2001 |
Eniseiinfocom - 2001 The 9th trade show of computers, software, information technologies and office equipment. |
29.03 31.03.2001 |
ACHIEVEMENT of a SCIENCE And ENGINEERING - DEVELOPMENT of the Siberian REGIONS (investment potentials - 2001 The exhibition also is scientific - practical a conference with the international participation. |
21.11 24.11.2000 |
Communication. Electrotechnology - 2000 The 8th specialized exhibition of connection facilities, communication and telecommunication media. |
26.09 29.09.2000 |
Eniseiinfocom - 2000 The 8th trade show of computers, software, information technologies and office equipment. |