Date | Title, short description | |
31.05 02.06.2017 |
Oil. Gas. Geology. Petrochemistry. Ecology. Thermal Power Stations - 2017 18th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
Online catalog |
01.06 03.06.2016 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2016 17th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
03.06 05.06.2015 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2015 16th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
20.08 22.08.2014 |
Oil. Gas. Geology. Thermal Power Stations - 2014 15th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
22.05 24.05.2013 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2013 14th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
14.11 16.11.2012 |
Gasification - 2012 12th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
06.06 08.06.2012 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2012 13th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
09.11 11.11.2011 |
Gasification - 2011 11th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
08.06 10.06.2011 |
Oil. Gas. Geology. Mineral Resources - 2011 12th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
Online catalog |
13.10 15.10.2010 |
Gasification - 2010 10th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
12.05 14.05.2010 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2010 11th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
18.11 20.11.2009 |
Gasification - 2009 9th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair in the Field of Designing, Buildings, Operation, and Reconstruction of Gas Pipelines and Gasification of Settlements |
23.09 25.09.2009 |
Ecology of Oil and Gas Complex - 2009 Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
23.09 25.09.2009 |
Oil and Gas Chemistry - 2009 3rd Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
13.05 15.05.2009 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2009 10th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
12.11 14.11.2008 |
Gasification - 2008 8th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
21.05 23.05.2008 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2008 9th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
14.11 16.11.2007 |
Gasification - 2007 7th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
16.05 18.05.2007 |
Oil and Gas Chemistry - 2007 3rd Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Press release |
16.05 18.05.2007 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2007 8th Specialized Exhibition-Congress with International Participation |
Press release |
15.11 17.11.2006 |
Gas - 2006 6th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
06.09 08.09.2006 |
Innovation Technologies in Oil and Gas Industry, Energy and Communication - 2006 Interregional congress innovation technology fo oil, natural gas industry, energy & ties "CITOGIC" |
24.05 26.05.2006 |
Oil. Gas. Geology - 2006 7th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
24.05 26.05.2006 |
Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2006 The 2nd Interregional specialized exhibition-fair |
26.10 28.10.2005 |
Gas - 2005 5th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
26.10 28.10.2005 |
Gas. Oil. Geology - 2005 Interregional specialized exhibition-fair |
Press release |
18.05 20.05.2005 |
Oil and Gas - 2005 6th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
Online catalog Press release |
27.10 29.10.2004 |
Gas supply - 2004 4th International Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
27.10 29.10.2004 |
Oilchemistry - 2004 Interregional specialized exhibition - fair |
12.05 14.05.2004 |
Oil and Gas - 2004 5th International Specialized Exhibition-congress |
14.05 16.05.2003 |
Oil and Gas - 2003 4th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
15.05 17.05.2002 |
Oil and Gas - 2002 3rd Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
31.10 02.11.2001 |
Gasification - 2001 1st Specialized Exhibition-Fair |