Date | Title, short description | |
03.11 06.11.2003 |
TRBE - 2003 (Moscow) The 7th Moscow international exhibition "Tele-Radio Broadcast Expo" |
Online catalog |
29.10 31.10.2003 |
Protection - 2003 (Orenburg) Specialized exhibition |
29.10 01.11.2003 |
Modern educational habitat - 2003 (Moscow) The 5th international exhibition |
29.10 31.10.2003 |
Techinform - 2003 (Orenburg) Specialized exhibition |
23.10 25.10.2003 |
INFFormation - 2003 (Krasnodar) 8-th annual South-Russian Exhibition of Information Technologies and Computers. |
23.10 25.10.2003 |
SecurExpo - 2003 (Krasnodar) 9 th Exhibition of Communication Means and Systems Telecommunications, Security and Alarm Systems |
22.10 24.10.2003 |
Automation. Information. Instrument-making - 2003 (Tomsk) 1st Specialized Exhibition-Congress |
22.10 24.10.2003 |
Electronical Penza - 2003 (Penza) The Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
15.10 17.10.2003 |
Contact - 2003 (Kaluga) Specialized exhibition |
15.10 17.10.2003 |
Safety - 2003 (Kaluga) Specialized exhibition |
14.10 17.10.2003 |
Security. Telecommunications. Information - 2003 (Samara) 8th Specialized Exhibition |
09.10 11.10.2003 |
Informatics. Office equipment. Communication. Advertisment and poligraphy - 2003 (Astrakhan) Specialized exhidition |
08.10 12.10.2003 |
Health - 2003 (Moscow) Specialized Exhibition |
08.10 10.10.2003 |
Integration - 2003 (Tomsk) 8th All-Russian universal science and production innovation exhibition-fair |
01.10 03.10.2003 |
BONUS - Bank and office, real estate, service for business, insurance - 2003 (Krasnodar) The specialized exhibition. |
Online catalog |
30.09 01.10.2003 |
TulaInfoCom - 2003 (Tula) The interregional specialized exhibition |
25.09 27.09.2003 |
Restaurant-Hotel-Office - 2003 (Sochi) The 4th international exhibition - fair. |
23.09 26.09.2003 |
Business accounting, finances, management - 2003 (Krasnoyarsk) Exhibition of software financial & economic activity of an enterprise; auditing & consulting services |
17.09 19.09.2003 |
The world of safety - 2003 (Tver) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
16.09 18.09.2003 |
Modern automation technologies - 2003 (Saint-Petersburg) All-Russia conference |
11.09 14.09.2003 |
House & Office. Computersoft. Telecom - 2003 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition. |
11.09 14.09.2003 |
Emercom in Russia - 2003 (Saint-Petersburg) International forum |
10.09 13.09.2003 |
Advertising and internet technology - 2003 (Saint-Petersburg) Specialized Exhibition |
09.09 13.09.2003 |
Infocom - 2003. Infocommunications of Russia - XXI century (Moscow) The 3nd International Exhibition-forum |
09.09 13.09.2003 |
Telecommunication. Electronics - 2003 (Ekaterinburg) The 8th specialized exhibition |
09.09 13.09.2003 |
Safety - 2003 (Ekaterinburg) The 6th specialized exhibition |
08.09 10.09.2003 |
Safety-Electronics-Connection .Metrology - 2003 (Sochi) The international specialized exhibition - fair. |
03.09 05.09.2003 |
ExpoKama Chelny. Industrial salon-business XXI - 2003 (Naberezhnye Chelny) Specialized Exhibition |
03.09 05.09.2003 |
ELECTRONICS. Components. Equipment. Technologies - 2003 (Moscow) The first annual international exhibition |
Online catalog |
15.07 18.07.2003 |
Intellectual Property - 2003 (Saint-Petersburg) Exhibition - auction |
02.07 05.07.2003 |
VladExpo - 2003 (Vladivostok) Trade fair |
09.06 12.06.2003 |
HiTech - 2003 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th International Exhibition and Congress |
Online catalog |
09.06 12.06.2003 |
Simulator technologies - 2003 (Saint-Petersburg) 3nd international specialized exhibition |
04.06 06.06.2003 |
Systems of telecommunications and communication facilities - 2003 (Tomsk) The Interregional specialized exhibition - fair |
04.06 06.06.2003 |
Means and Systems of safety - 2003 (Tomsk) The 5th Interregional specialized exhibition - fair |
03.06 07.06.2003 |
VTTV-OMSK - 2003 (Omsk) International exhibition of arm. |
03.06 06.06.2003 |
Security and safety technologies - 2003 (Perm) The 4d international exhibition |
03.06 06.06.2003 |
Advances of science & technics - development of siberian regions - 2003 (Krasnoyarsk) All-Russia exhibition & conference |
28.05 31.05.2003 |
Electrontechexpo - 2003 (Moscow) 1st Specialized Exhibition |
28.05 31.05.2003 |
ExpoElectronica - 2003 (Moscow) 6th First-rate Special Exhibition of Electronic Components and Manufacturing Equipment in the Russia and CIS |
26.05 29.05.2003 |
Expocominfo - 2003 (Moscow) All technologies and equipment for acquisition, storage, analyze and processing of business and commercial information |
26.05 30.05.2003 |
Electronic St.Petersburg - 2003 (Saint-Petersburg) Infocommunication Technologies in today's society |
19.05 22.05.2003 |
Regions of Russia: protection from contrafackt - 2003 (Moscow) The first All-Russia forum - exhibition |
13.05 16.05.2003 |
Telemedicina - 2003 (Moscow) Specialized exhibition and conference |
13.05 16.05.2003 |
Kuzbass business forum - 2003 (Kemerovo) Specialized exhibition-presentation |
13.05 16.05.2003 |
Expo-Siberia - 2003 (Kemerovo) Specialized exhibition-fair |
12.05 16.05.2003 |
Sviaz-Expocomm - 2003 (Moscow) 15th International Exhibition of Telecommunications, Computers and Office Equipment |
23.04 26.04.2003 |
CEM 2003 (Moscow) The 13-th International Exhibition of Home Appliances, Consumer Electronics, and Houseware |
23.04 25.04.2003 |
Safety - 2003 (Rostov-on-Don) Exhibition of means of safety of business, bank systems, equipment and technologies. |
22.04 25.04.2003 |
Comtek 2003 (Moscow) The 14 th International Information Technology Exhibition |