Date | Title, short description | |
28.11 01.12.2006 |
Packing Siberia - 2006 (Novosibirsk) 14th International Specialized Exhibition of Container, Packing, Label; Equipment, Raw Material and Materials for its Production; Packing Machines and Automatic Devices; Design and Polygraphy in Packing Industry |
28.11 01.12.2006 |
Food Siberia - 2006 (Novosibirsk) 15th International Specialized Exhibition of Food Stuffs, Drinks, Raw Material and Components, Food-Processing Industry Technologies and Equipment |
14.11 16.11.2006 |
Sibextrim - 2006 (Novosibirsk) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
07.11 09.11.2006 |
Stations of Russia - 2006 (Moscow) 6-th International exhibition |
07.11 09.11.2006 |
Mobile construction - 2006 (Moscow) 4th Specialized Building Exhibition in the Sphere of Quickly Erectable, Modular Building |
24.10 26.10.2006 |
Sibcity. EcoSib - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The International Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials and Technics for Housing and Communal Services |
24.10 26.10.2006 |
Sibpolytech - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The International Industrial Exhibition |
Press release |
18.10 20.10.2006 |
The Siberian Business Forum. The Real Estate of Siberia. Logistics - 2006 (Novosibirsk) Specialized Forum |
26.09 28.09.2006 |
Sibstroyexpo - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The International Specialized Exhibition of Technologies, Machines and Materials |
Press release |
19.09 21.09.2006 |
Sibcommunication, Sibcomputer, Sibinternet, Siberia-Tele-Radiobroadcasting, ElectronSib - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The Siberian forum of information technologies and telecommunications |
Press release |
12.09 14.09.2006 |
Sibbezopasnost. Spassib - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The 15th Specialized exhibition of systems and means of protection and safety, services on safety of business, the rescue equipment, systems, means and methods of rescue |
Press release |
30.05 02.06.2006 |
AutoSib - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The 16th International Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
23.05 25.05.2006 |
Medcib. Health Siberia - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The International Medical Exhibition |
Press release |
27.04 29.04.2006 |
Cottage. Landscape building. Stone-Working. Founding. Shoeing - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The 4th Regional specialized exhibition |
Press release |
04.04 07.04.2006 |
Sibadvertising. Sibdesign - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
04.04 07.04.2006 |
Published court of Siberia - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The 14th Specialized Exhibition of equipment and materials for polygraphy and advertising, design, information,polygraphyc services, representative production, firm style development and advancement |
Press release |
04.04 07.04.2006 |
Siboffice. Business-Style - 2006 (Novosibirsk) The Specialized Exhibition |
22.03 24.03.2006 |
Sibbosom. Mining Siberia - 2006 (Novosibirsk) Internetional particularized industrial exhibition |
22.03 24.03.2006 |
Siboilgas - 2006 (Novosibirsk) Internetional specialized industrial exhibition |
22.03 24.03.2006 |
Metall Siberia. Founding. Metal-working. Welding - 2006 (Novosibirsk) Internetional particularized industrial exhibition |