Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Meat and Poultry Industry Russia & VIV - 2021

Attention! The event is over.

International Summit

Date: 17.05.2021 - 19.05.2021 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Asti Group

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"

The exhibition "Meat & Poultry Industry Russia" is an important industry platform for demonstrating the most advanced developments in the field of manufacturing high quality products: from equipment and technologies for growing and keeping farm animals and feed production to processing raw materials and producing finished products in a concept "from the field to the table". The exhibition has been held in Moscow since 2001 and since 2004 has been supported by VIV Worldwide.

345 participating companies, 36 countries, 37 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 7392 unique visitors for 3 days of the exhibition.

Innovations "from the field to the table" in 20 thematic sections.

The exhibition reflects the whole path of the product - right up to the moment when it reaches the table. The organizers have planned 20 thematic sections instead of the eight presented in previous years. And while some of them are already familiar to exhibitors and visitors, the new ones will become discoveries.

The updated concept of the event will allow to touch upon even narrower and deeper problems of the industry, which often require non-standard, innovative solutions. This applies not only to the cultivation of feed and animal hygiene but also to veterinary medicine, genetics and breeding, digitalization and automation of management of livestock enterprises, product quality control, packaging, labeling, logistics, storage, preparation and much more.

Hall № 8 will bring together representatives from the following fields:

  • High protein nutritional feeds development
  • Veterinary and genetic sciences
  • Infrastructural support for livestock farming
  • Production and operation of equipment for primary processing of livestock and treatment
  • Green production organizations
  • Digitalization and IT solutions in the agro-industrial complex

Hall № 7 will bring together professionals working in the following areas:

  • Deep processing of livestock products
  • Production of ingredients and food additives
  • Development of weighing, packaging equipment
  • Storage and logistics
  • Marketing and the latest ways to promote products
  • Cooking and developing tastes in the population
  • Production of semi-finished and finished products

The business program of the exhibition is presented by the Summit "Agrarian policy of Russia: safety and quality of products", as well as thematic seminars, round tables, master-classes. As part of the business program of the exhibition, specialized events organized by industry associations will be held: turkey breeding, poultry farming, pig breeding, feed production, health of farm animals, eco- and biologically active food products.


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