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HOUSE-BUILD-EXPO. SmartCity - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

12th International Exhibition of Construction, Building Materials, Improvement, Infrastructure. Energy Saving, Thermomodernization, Heat-Water-Gas, MSW, Elevators, Municipal Engineering

Date: 28.11.2019 - 29.11.2019 

City: Astana - information about city

Holders: LLC Exhibition Conpany "Fair Expo", SibExpoService

Topics: Building and real estate, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Natural Resources, Information Technologies and Communications, Municipal Management, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"HOUSE-BUILD-EXPO. SmartCity - 2019" exhibition news, 26-Jul-2019

Announce: At the venue of exhibition-forum "HOUSE-BUILD-EXPO. SmartCity - 2019" which will take place in Nur-Sultan (Astana) on 28-29 November the participants will be able to show all of the benefits of business and contribute to it's development.

At the venue of exhibition-forum "HOUSE-BUILD-EXPO. SmartCity - 2019" which will take place in Nur-Sultan (Astana) on 28-29 November the participants will be able to show, to a great extent, all of the benefits of business and contribute to it's development.

The organizers advise using a rich business program which arouse an active interest of industry specialists.

Participation in the 12th international exhibition-forum "HOUSE-BUILD-EXPO. SmartCity - 2019" gives the opportunity to meet potential consumers, who've been previously invited to visit the forum by the organizers, considering participant's suggestions. Main thematic areas of the exhibition: energy efficiency, energy conservation, innovation, construction technologies and materials,"green technologies", water supply, gas supply, heat supply, thermal-water-soundproofing, electrical engineering, electric equipment, solid domestic waste, lift systems, improvement of outside playgrounds, municipal machinery and many other not insignificant ways to modernize housing and communal services sector.

Participation in scientific and business program of international conference: "Umnye Goroda - Smart Cities" will provide a possibility to gain and enhance the status of the expert in the professional and client fields.

Participants will hold an ambitious PR-campaign since the forum will be visited by heads and experts from all regions of Kazakhstan, CIS countries, near and far abroad. The visual effect of exhibition sample will help customers to assess it at first hand, see it in action, obtain the accurate representation, consequently increasing memorability and credibility of the product.

Taking part in the forum is a great opportunity to maintain and strengthen constructive relationships with VIP visitors, representatives of governmental structures and official partners, line agencies, professional associations, establish contacts or maintain good relations with representatives of industry and business media.


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