Date | Title, short description | |
09.02 11.02.2022 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2022 Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
16.10 17.10.2019 |
Volgograd Forum of Industrial Automation and Digitalization - 2019. Promexpo 19th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
19.09 20.09.2018 |
Volgograd Forum of Industrial Automation and Digitalization - 2018. Promexpo 18th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
20.09 22.09.2017 |
PromEXPO - 2017 All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
23.09 25.09.2015 |
PromEXPO - 2015 All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
09.12 11.12.2014 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2014 17th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
Press release |
24.09 26.09.2014 |
PromEXPO - 2014 All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
15.04 17.04.2014 |
Energy. Electrical Engineering. Energy Сonservation. Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2014 Interregional Specialized Exhibition of Power Equipment, Electrical Products, Energy Saving Technologies |
Online catalog Press release |
09.12 11.12.2013 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry. Eco-Recycling and Utilization of Industrial Wastes - 2013 16th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
Press release |
25.09 27.09.2013 |
PromEXPO - 2013 All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
12.12 14.12.2012 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2012 15th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
25.09 27.09.2012 |
StroyExpo. Housing and Public Utilities. PromEXPO - 2012 All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
13.12 15.12.2011 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2011 14th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
15.11 17.11.2011 |
Oil and Gas Industry - 2011 2nd International Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Oil, Petrochemical and Gas Industry |
05.10 07.10.2011 |
PromEXPO - 2011 11th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
14.12 16.12.2010 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2010 13th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
23.11 25.11.2010 |
Oil and Gas Industry - 2010 Interregional Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Oil, Petrochemical and Gas Industry |
07.09 09.09.2010 |
Volgograd Industrial Exhibition - 2010 10th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
08.12 10.12.2009 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2009 12th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
06.10 08.10.2009 |
Volgograd Industrial Exhibition - 2009 9th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
17.02 19.02.2009 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2009 11th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
05.02 07.02.2008 |
Biochemical Technologies - 2008 3rd Specialized Exhibition of Biotechnologies for Industry, Agriculture, Medicine |
05.02 07.02.2008 |
Equipment - Petroleum. Gas. Chemistry - 2008 10th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment for Oil-and-Gas Complex |
Online catalog |
09.10 11.10.2007 |
Mechanical engineering. Metal-working - 2007 5th Specialized Exhibition |
09.10 11.10.2007 |
EnergoPromExpo - 2007 6th Specialized Exhibition |
06.02 08.02.2007 |
Biochemical Technologies - 2007 2nd Specialized Exhibition of Biotechnologies for Industry, Agriculture, Medicine |
06.02 08.02.2007 |
Equipment - Petroleum. Gas. Chemistry - 2007 9th Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
10.10 12.10.2006 |
Mechanical engineering. Metal-working - 2006 The 4th Specialized exhibition |
10.10 12.10.2006 |
Energopromexpo - 2006 The 5th Specialized Exhibition |
25.04 27.04.2006 |
The equipment - Petroleum. Gas. Chemistry - 2006 8th Specialized Exhibition |
15.03 17.03.2006 |
Fuel and energy complex - 2006 The 6th Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
07.02 09.02.2006 |
Biochemical Technologies - 2006 The Specialized exhibition |
11.10 13.10.2005 |
Mechanical engineering. Metal-working - 2005 All-Russian specialized exhibition |
11.10 13.10.2005 |
Oil-and-Gas Chemistry - 2005 The 5th All-Russian specialized exhibition |
11.10 13.10.2005 |
Energopromexpo - 2005 All-Russian specialized exhibition |
11.05 13.05.2005 |
Fuel-energy complex - 2005 5th Interregional Specialized Exhibition of Oil, Gas, Fuel-Energy Resources, Technologies and Equipment, Chemical Industry |
08.02 10.02.2005 |
The equipment. Petroleum. Gas. Chemistry - 2005 Specialized Interregional Exhibition |
18.01 19.01.2005 |
Biochemical technologies - 2005 The specialized exhibition |
23.11 25.11.2004 |
Mechanical engineering. Metal - working - 2004 The 4th Specialized exhibition |
23.11 25.11.2004 |
Oil-and-Gas Chemistry - 2004 The 4th Specialized exhibition |
02.06 04.06.2004 |
Chemistry. Energy saving - 2004 4th Specialized Exhibition |
25.11 27.11.2003 |
Oil-and-Gas Chemistry - 2003 Specialized exhibition. |
03.06 05.06.2003 |
Chemistry. Machine-building. Energy saving - 2003 Specialized exhibition |
09.12 11.12.2002 |
Oil-and-Gas Chemistry - 2002 Specialized exhibition. |
04.06 06.06.2002 |
Chemistry. Machine-building. Petroleum refining - 2002 Specialized exhibition |
30.10 01.11.2001 |
Petroleumgaschemistry. Refueling complex. - 2001 Specialized exhibition. |
15.05 17.05.2001 |
Chemical industry - 2001 Specialized Exhibition |