Date | Title, short description | |
06.10 08.10.2011 |
Forum of Business Services - 2011 (Krasnoyarsk) 9th Interregional Forum |
04.10 08.10.2011 |
Polygraphinter - 2011 (Moscow) 23th International Exhibition of Polygraphic Equipment, Technologies, Materials and Services |
Press release |
28.09 01.10.2011 |
Printing. Design. Advertising - 2011 (Khabarovsk) 15th Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Printing and Advertising Activities, Photo and Video Industry |
28.09 30.09.2011 |
Advertising. Design. Printing Industry - 2011 (Tomsk) Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
27.09 30.09.2011 |
Advertising - 2011 (Moscow) 19th International Specialized Exhibition |
22.09 23.09.2011 |
Advertising. Polygraphy. Mass Media - 2011 (Voronezh) 9th Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
19.09 23.09.2011 |
Gifts Expo. Autumn - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Exhibition of Gifts |
Press release |
19.09 23.09.2011 |
Business Souvenirs & Corporative Gifts. Autumn - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Salon |
19.09 23.09.2011 |
Christmas & Festive Decorations. Autumn - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Salon |
19.09 23.09.2011 |
Gifts & Interior Decoration. Autumn - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Salon |
13.09 15.09.2011 |
IPSA. Advertising Souvenirs. Autumn - 2011 (Moscow) 20th International Specialized Exhibition of Industry of Advertising Novelties, Business Gifts, Items for Promotion |
13.09 15.09.2011 |
Skrepka Expo - 2011 (Moscow) 15th International Specialized Exhibition of Office and Stationery Goods |
Press release |
07.09 12.09.2011 |
On Demand Russia - 2011 (Moscow) Exhibition and Conference on Digital Technology in Printing and Publishing Business |
07.09 12.09.2011 |
Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) - 2011 (Moscow) International Exhibition-Fair |
06.09 09.09.2011 |
Design and Advertising. 100 Days before New Year - 2011 (Moscow) 18th Exhibition of Advertising Industry |
Online catalog Press release |
19.08 21.08.2011 |
Hello, School - 2011 (Kaluga) Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
11.08 13.08.2011 |
School Market - 2011 (Yaroslavl) Universal Fair |
19.06 21.06.2011 |
KAZANHALAL - 2011 (Kazan) 2nd International Exhibition-Fair |
14.06 18.06.2011 |
Rosupak - 2011 (Moscow) ![]() 16th International Specialized Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment, Materials and Technologies for Packing Manufacture. Packing for All Sectors of Industry |
Press release |
08.06 10.06.2011 |
International Forum of Exhibition Industry - 5pEXPO - 2011 (Moscow) ![]() International Forum of Exhibition Industry |
Online catalog Press release |
25.05 27.05.2011 |
Advertising & Design. Polygraphy - 2011 (Belgorod) Belgorod Festival of Advertising and Design |
25.05 27.05.2011 |
Advertising. Printing. Media - 2011 (Saransk) 2nd Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
20.05 22.05.2011 |
Container and Packaging - 2011 (Pyatigorsk) Specialized Exhibition of Packaging Products and Materials |
19.05 23.05.2011 |
Gift to Saint-Petersburg - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th International Specialized Exhibition-Fair of Products of National Artistic Trades and Crafts, Decorative and Applied Arts, Souvenirs and Giftware |
18.05 20.05.2011 |
RechargRussia Expo - 2011 (Moscow) Specialized Exhibition of Expendable Materials for Office Equipment |
Press release |
11.05 13.05.2011 |
SibAdvertising. Printing House of Siberia - 2011 (Novosibirsk) ![]() 19th Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Advertising and Printing, Equipment and Aksessuarov for Office, Predstavytelskoy of Products |
27.04 29.04.2011 |
Food and Drinks. Technologies and Equipment - 2011 (Naberezhnye Chelny) 9th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
21.04 22.04.2011 |
Easter Eve Exhibition-Sale - 2011 (Penza) Universal Wholesale and Retail Fair |
21.04 24.04.2011 |
Saint-Petersburg International Book Salon - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg) International Exhibition of book production |
20.04 22.04.2011 |
Food Industry - 2011 (Krasnodar) Specialized Exhibition of Equipment of Food and Processing Manufactures, Raw Materials and Ingredients, Foodstuffs and Drinks |
Press release |
19.04 21.04.2011 |
Catering business. Hotel industry. Sibshowcase - 2011 (Novosibirsk) Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Hotels and Restaurants |
14.04 17.04.2011 |
CONSUMER ELECTRONICS & PHOTO EXPO - 2011 (Moscow) International Exhibition of Personal Care Electronics |
Press release |
14.04 18.04.2011 |
It's for You, Young Man! - 2011 (Omsk) Specialized Exhibition-Forum |
06.04 07.04.2011 |
Chancellery & Modern Office - 2011 (Rostov-on-Don) Specialized Exhibition of Stationary, Goods for Office and Souvenirs |
06.04 07.04.2011 |
Book World - 2011 (Rostov-on-Don) Specialized Exhibition |
05.04 07.04.2011 |
Food Industry - 2011 (Volgograd) Specialized Forum of Foodstuff, Equipment, Technologies and Raw Materials for Food and Processing Industry, Packing, Wrapping and Label Production, Packing and Wrapping Equipment, Refrigerating and Trading Equipment |
05.04 07.04.2011 |
Advertising Technologies. Information Technologies. Event-Industry. Ural Press - 2011 (Chelyabinsk) 16th Interregional Exhibition |
04.04 07.04.2011 |
Christmas Time / Spring - 2011 (Moscow) 16th International Trade Fair of Christmas and Holiday Industry |
04.04 07.04.2011 |
Design & Advertising - 2011 (Moscow) 17th Exhibition of Advertising Industry |
Press release |
24.03 28.03.2011 |
All-Russian Fair in Udmurtia - 2011 (Izhevsk) All-Russian Fair of Products of Russian Regional Enterprises |
Online catalog Press release |
24.03 25.03.2011 |
Book World - 2011 (Penza) Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
21.03 24.03.2011 |
Gifts Expo. Spring - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Exhibition of Gifts |
Press release |
21.03 24.03.2011 |
Costume Jewellery and Accessories. Spring - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
21.03 24.03.2011 |
Business Souvenirs & Corporative Gifts. Spring - 2011 (Moscow) Exhibition Salon |
21.03 24.03.2011 |
Christmas Tree Decorations, New Year's & Festive Products. Spring - 2011 (Moscow) Specialized Salon |
21.03 24.03.2011 |
Gifts & Interior Decoration. Spring - 2011 (Moscow) Specialized Salon |
17.03 19.03.2011 |
Book World - 2011 (Krasnodar) 7th Specialized Exhibition of Publishing Houses, Book-Trade Companies, Books and Polygraphic Products |
16.03 18.03.2011 |
Interbytchim - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Exhibition of Household Products, Personal Hygiene Means and Related Products for Household Purposes |
16.03 21.03.2011 |
Books of Russia - 2011 (Moscow) 14th National Exhibition-Fair |
15.03 17.03.2011 |
CPS/ Cinema Production Service - 2011 (Moscow) 8th Specialized Exhibition of TV and Film Production |