Date | Title, short description | |
26.10 29.10.2011 |
Beautiful Houses - 2011 (Moscow) International Exhibition of Building and Architecture |
Press release |
25.10 27.10.2011 |
DIYmarket - 2011 (Moscow) International Specialized Exhibition of DIY Goods and Trade Equipment |
25.10 27.10.2011 |
Real Estate. Building. Investment. Mortgage Lending - 2011 (Novosibirsk) Specialized Exhibition of Real Estate, Focused on Professionals in the Field of Real Estate and Construction, Investors, Crediting Specialists, End-Consumers of Real Estate Services Market |
25.10 27.10.2011 |
ReEstate Eхро - 2011 (Novosibirsk) International Exhibition of Foreign Real Estate |
25.10 27.10.2011 |
Siberian Business-Forum - 2011 (Novosibirsk) Specialized Forum |
25.10 27.10.2011 |
MODERN HOUSE: Materials. Equipment. Technologies - 2011 (Pskov) Specialized Exhibition |
22.10 23.10.2011 |
Building a House - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg) 7th Building Exhibition-Fair Real Estate & Construction |
Press release |
21.10 23.10.2011 |
Kuban Farmstead - Fall - 2011 (Krasnodar) Specialized Exhibition-Fair of Landscape Design Idustry and Cottage Construction, Flower Gardening and Seed Farming, Care for Homestead and Farms |
21.10 23.10.2011 |
Ski Salon / Ski Build Expo - 2011 (Moscow) Moscow International Ski Salon |
20.10 22.10.2011 |
YugStroyIndustriya - 2011 (Pyatigorsk) 15th South-Russia Building Forum on the Caucasian Mineral Waters |
19.10 22.10.2011 |
SOCHI-BUILD - 2011 (Sochi) 10th International Building Forum |
19.10 22.10.2011 |
Architecture. Building. Accomplishment. Housing - 2011 (Sochi) Exhibition of Construction, Architecture, and Improvement |
19.10 21.10.2011 |
Housing and Public Utilities of Russia - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg) International Specialized Exhibition |
19.10 22.10.2011 |
Country Housing. Landscape Design - 2011 (Sochi) Specialized Exhibition |
19.10 21.10.2011 |
Golden Autumn. Harvest - 2011 (Tomsk) 13th Interregional Exhibition-Fair of Agroindustrial Complex |
19.10 22.10.2011 |
Sports Projects - Design, Сonstruction, Equipment - 2011 (Sochi) Specialized Exhibition |
19.10 22.10.2011 |
Stroyspetstehnika. Road. Tunnel - 2011 (Sochi) Specialized Exhibition |
19.10 20.10.2011 |
Urbacon - Major Construction - 2011 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition |
18.10 21.10.2011 |
Sibpolytech - 2011 (Novosibirsk) ![]() All-Siberian Polytechnical Forum |
Press release |
18.10 21.10.2011 |
SibStroyExpo - 2011 (Novosibirsk) ![]() Specialized Exhibition of Building and Road Machinery, Equipment, Materials and Technologies |
18.10 21.10.2011 |
Building Market. Woodworking. Road Construction Equipment and Technology - 2011 (Tyumen) Specialized Exhibition |
17.10 20.10.2011 |
City Build - 2011 (Moscow) 5th International Exhibition of Architecture, Construction, Urban Renewal, Construction Technologies and Materials |
14.10 15.10.2011 |
Moscow International Investment Show - 2011 (Moscow) 9th International Investment Exhibition |
13.10 14.10.2011 |
Noyabrsk. Building Complex. Housing and Public Utilities. Energy and Resource Saving - 2011 (Noyabrsk) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
12.10 16.10.2011 |
Interior. Decor. Furniture & Country House. Landscape Design - 2011 (Perm) 8th Interregional Exhibition of Building and Improvement of Country Houses, Cottages, Summer Residences, Outdoor Constructions, Baths and Landscape Architecture and Design |
Online catalog Press release |
12.10 15.10.2011 |
STIMexpo - 2011 (Rostov-on-Don) Building and Architectural Forum of the South of Russia |
Press release |
11.10 13.10.2011 |
Big Ural Construction Complex - 2011 (Ekaterinburg) 14th Specialized Exhibition with International Participation |
10.10 14.10.2011 |
International Cement Industry Congress - 2011 (Belgorod) Congress |
06.10 09.10.2011 |
DomExpo - 2011 (Moscow) 25th International Exhibition of Russian and Foreign Real Estate |
Press release |
06.10 08.10.2011 |
Flat. House. Office - 2011 (Ulyanovsk) 6th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
06.10 08.10.2011 |
Real Estate Fair - 2011 (Krasnoyarsk) Exhibition of Real Estate Items, Real Estate Operations, Real Estate Improvement Services, Mortgage Insurance and Real Estate Insurance |
05.10 07.10.2011 |
CITY ON THE RIVER TOM. Architecture. Building. City Life-support Systems - 2011 (Tomsk) 16th Interregional Architectural and Urban Planning Exhibition-Congress |
Online catalog |
05.10 07.10.2011 |
New City - 2011 (Voronezh) 3rd Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
05.10 06.10.2011 |
Building. Housing and Public Utilities. Energy and Resource Saving - 2011 (Neryungri) 8th Specialized Exhibition |
05.10 07.10.2011 |
Building - 2011 (Voronezh) 33st Interregional Specialized Exhibition with International Participation |
05.10 07.10.2011 |
StroyExpo. Housing and Public Utilities - 2011 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
04.10 06.10.2011 |
ECIS - 2011 (Krasnodar) International Exhibition organizer |
04.10 06.10.2011 |
Wooden Building - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th International Specialized Exhibition |
04.10 06.10.2011 |
Southern Russia Energy Infrastructure / EPIS - 2011 (Krasnodar) International Specialized Exhibition of Energy Saving Technologies and Electrical Equipment |
29.09 02.10.2011 |
Summer Season - 2011 (Samara) 4th Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
29.09 01.10.2011 |
Farmstead - 2011 (Voronezh) 8th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
28.09 30.09.2011 |
Mordovia Innovation - 2011 (Saransk) 2nd Interregional Specialized Exhibition of Innovation and Nanotechnology |
27.09 29.09.2011 |
OVVK expo - 2011 (Moscow) Exhibition of heating, water supply, ventilation and sanitation |
Press release |
23.09 25.09.2011 |
Khakassia - Tyva - Krasnoyarsk Territory: Commonwealth - 2011 (Kyzyl) Travelling Exhibition of Goods and Services |
Online catalog |
22.09 24.09.2011 |
House-Expo - 2011 (Yakutsk) 5th Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
22.09 23.09.2011 |
World of Bridges - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th International Forum |
22.09 24.09.2011 |
Buy Goods Made in Astrakhan - 2011 (Astrakhan) Exhibition-Fair |
22.09 24.09.2011 |
Building. Interiors. Furniture - 2011 (Kaliningrad) 14th International Exhibition |
Press release |
22.09 25.09.2011 |
Real Estate Fair - 2011 (Chelyabinsk) 18th International Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
21.09 23.09.2011 |
Roads. Bridges. Tunnels - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg) 12th International Specialized Exhibition |