Date | Title, short description | |
19.09 22.09.2006 |
Dwelling - 2006 (Kazan) 8th Specialized Exhibition |
13.09 16.09.2006 |
BalticBuild - 2006 (Saint-Petersburg) International Construction and Building Exhibition |
Online catalog |
13.09 15.09.2006 |
The world of Real estate - 2006 (Tver) The 5th Salon of Real Estate and Desing of Interiors |
13.09 15.09.2006 |
Stroy-Expo - 2006 (Tver) 10-th Specialized Building Exhibition |
12.09 15.09.2006 |
Building complex - 2006 (Chelyabinsk) The 12th Interregional specialized exhibition |
12.09 15.09.2006 |
Road-building. Municipal economy - 2006 (Chelyabinsk) The 6th Interregional specialized exhibition |
06.09 08.09.2006 |
House. Interior. Design - 2006 (Chita) 4th Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
29.08 31.08.2006 |
Welding - 2006 (Chelyabinsk) Specialized Exhibition |
25.08 27.08.2006 |
Tiva Expo - 2006 (Kyzyl) Interregional Universal Industrial Exhibition-Fair |
09.08 11.08.2006 |
Modern City - 2006 (Belgorod) 2nd Building Forum |
08.08 11.08.2006 |
Real Estate Salon - 2006 (Ekaterinburg) Specialized Exhibition |
08.08 11.08.2006 |
Building - Promexpo - 2006 (Ekaterinburg) 2nd Building Forum, dedicated to Professional Holiday "Builder's Day" |
23.06 26.06.2006 |
Regions - cooperation without borders - 2006 (Cheboksary) The 13th All-Russia Universal Exhibition - Fair |
20.06 23.06.2006 |
Expostone - 2006 (Moscow) The 7th International Exhibition |
08.06 10.06.2006 |
Town Planning. Russian City Restoration and Reconstruction - 2006 (Yaroslavl) All-Russian scientific and practical conference |
08.06 10.06.2006 |
Architecture. Town-planning. Landscape design - 2006 (Yaroslavl) Specialized exhibition |
06.06 09.06.2006 |
City. Architecture & Building - 2006 (Ufa) ![]() The 13th International Specialized Exhibition of architecture, building industry, power economy, municipal economy |
06.06 09.06.2006 |
Cottage - 2006 (Moscow) 11th International Exhibition of Cottage Construction |
06.06 09.06.2006 |
Glass world - 2006 (Moscow) ![]() The 8th International Exhibition |
01.06 03.06.2006 |
Interior. Design. Comfort - 2006 (Volgograd) The 5th Specialized Exhibition Designer Project |
31.05 02.06.2006 |
Building complex - Magnitka. Furniture. Design. Interior - 2006 (Magnitogorsk) The 5th Interregional exhibition |
31.05 02.06.2006 |
Building and household goods - 2006 (Tomsk) The 4th Interregional wholesale and retail exhibition-fair |
30.05 01.06.2006 |
Volga Region - 2006 (Penza) The 7th Interregional Festival |
30.05 02.06.2006 |
PskovExpo - 2006 (Pskov) The 13th Universal specialized exhibition-fair |
30.05 02.06.2006 |
Lacquers, Paints and Coatings - 2006 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd International Exhibition |
25.05 27.05.2006 |
KareliaAgroExpo. Cottage - 2006 (Petrozavodsk) The 1st Republican Specialized exhibition-fair |
25.05 27.05.2006 |
Khakasia: Building. Energy. Housing and communal services - 2006 (Abakan) 3th Interregional specialized exhibition |
24.05 27.05.2006 |
Architecture, Building industry of the Far East region - 2006 (Khabarovsk) 10th Specialized Exhibition of Building Structures, Heat Saving Technologies, Decoration Materials |
23.05 27.05.2006 |
Buildings Technics and Technology - 2006 (Moscow) 7th International Exhibition |
Press release |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
StroyProgress - 2006 (Omsk) ![]() 11th Specialized Exhibition |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
Roads. Bridges - 2006 (Omsk) 3nd Specialized Exhibition |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
Woodbuildexpo - 2006 (Omsk) 7th Specialized Exhibition |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
City - 2006 (Omsk) 3nd Specialized Exhibition |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
XXI Centure City - 2006 (Izhevsk) The 7th International Specialized Exhibition |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
Stroicomplex - 2006 (Kemerovo) The 8th international exhibition-fair |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
Intercomfort - 2006 (Kemerovo) The 8th international exhibition-fair |
23.05 26.05.2006 |
Stroiproject - 2006 (Kemerovo) The 8th international exhibition-fair |
18.05 20.05.2006 |
Build-Expo - 2006 (Arkhangelsk) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
17.05 19.05.2006 |
Stroymarket - 2006. Energysaving (Nizhnevartovsk) 5th Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
17.05 19.05.2006 |
Furniture & interior - 2006 (Saransk) The 6th Interregional exhibition-fair |
17.05 19.05.2006 |
Buildindustry & innovation techniques in the sphere of housing and communal services - 2006 (Saransk) The 6th Interregional specialized exhibition |
16.05 20.05.2006 |
Interbass - 2006 (Moscow) 2-nd International specialized exhibition of equipment and accessories for the industry of aquaparks, baths, pools, saunas, SPA |
16.05 19.05.2006 |
Baikal Building Week - 2006 (Irkutsk) The 11th Specialized Exhibition with International Participation |
16.05 20.05.2006 |
Holzhaus - 2006 (Moscow) 4-th International Specialized Exhibition |
16.05 18.05.2006 |
Roofing. Insulation. Finishing - 2006 (Tula) International specialized exhibition |
16.05 20.05.2006 |
Civil engineering and repair - 2006 (Perm) ![]() The 12th International exhibition |
16.05 19.05.2006 |
Construction and finishing materials - 2006 (Krasnoyarsk) The exhibition of the construction and finishing materials, technologies and equipment for its manufacture |
Press release |
16.05 19.05.2006 |
Interior - 2006 (Krasnoyarsk) The 12th exhibition - fair of the goods for a house, furniture and interiors |
Press release |
16.05 19.05.2006 |
Cottage - 2006 (Krasnoyarsk) The trade show of cottage and residential house projects, roofing and insulating materials, systems for heat-, gas- and water-supply, etc |
Press release |
16.05 19.05.2006 |
Windows and doors - 2006 (Krasnoyarsk) Exhibition of windows, doors, the equipment and completing for their manufacture |
Press release |