Date | Title, short description | |
14.10 17.10.2015 |
Energy Efficiency. Housing and Public Utilities. Gasification - 2015 (Irkutsk) 18th Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Power Industry, Gas Distribution, Electrical Engineering, Energy-saving Technologies |
Press release |
13.10 15.10.2015 |
GasSUF - 2015 (Moscow) 13th International Exhibition "Gas at Transport" |
13.10 15.10.2015 |
Geoform+ 2015 (Moscow) 12th International Exhibition of Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics |
13.10 15.10.2015 |
Atomeks - 2015 (Moscow) International Forum of Suppliers of Nuclear Industry |
13.10 16.10.2015 |
Autumn Construction Week. Woodworking - 2015 (Tyumen) Specialized Exhibition |
13.10 16.10.2015 |
Mine - 2015 (Perm) Specialized Exhibition of Modern Technologies, Equipment and Machinery for the Extraction and Beneficiation of Ores and Minerals |
13.10 16.10.2015 |
Stankostroenie - 2015 (Moscow) International Specialized Exhibition |
08.10 10.10.2015 |
Energy Saving - 2015 (Simferopol) 4th Specialized Exhibition of Power and Electrical Products |
07.10 08.10.2015 |
VTTA - Omsk - 2015 (Omsk) International Exhibition of High Technologies and Equipment for the Arctic, Siberia and the Far East |
07.10 08.10.2015 |
Road Facilities. Accomplishment. Energy conservation. Housing and Public Utilities - 2015 (Ryazan) Interregional Industrial Forum |
07.10 09.10.2015 |
Russian Industrialist - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) International Industrial Forum |
Press release |
07.10 08.10.2015 |
Construction. New City - 2015 (Voronezh) 41st Interregional Specialized Exhibition with International Participation |
07.10 09.10.2015 |
UralEcology. Industrial Safety. Integrated Security - 2015 (Ufa) 20th Specialized Interregional Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies and Innovations in the Field of Environmental Protection and Industrial Safety, Prevention and Disaster Management |
06.10 08.10.2015 |
FastTec - 2015 (Moscow) 13th International Trade Exhibition of Fasteners |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
IDES Siberia - 2015 (Novosibirsk) International Exhibition of Equipment and Technology for Municipal and Civil Engineering |
06.10 08.10.2015 |
RESD&E-Y - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) International Specialized Exhibition |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Weldex / Rossvarka - 2015 (Moscow) 15th International Specialized Exhibition of Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Woodex Siberia - 2015 (Novosibirsk) Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment and Tools for Woodworking Manufacturing |
Online catalog |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Nuclear Power Engineering - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) International Exhibition. Technologies and Equipment for the Nuclear Power Industry |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Gas Engine Fuel - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd International Specialised Exhibition |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Boilers and Burners - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 13th International Specialized Exhibition for Heat-Powerl Engineering |
Online catalog Press release |
06.10 08.10.2015 |
LesTekhExpo - 2015 (Perm) Interregional Specialized Exhibition of Modern Technologies, Equipment, Materials and Products of the Timber Industry, Woodworking and Furniture Industry |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Small Power - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) Specialized Exhibition of Small Generating Plants and Small Generating Systems for the Oil and Gas Industry |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Oil Refining & Petrochemistry - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 16th International Specialized Exhibition. Technologies and Equipment for the Processing of Hydrocarbons |
06.10 08.10.2015 |
Advanced Automation Technologies. PTA - 2015 (Moscow) 15th International Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
St. Petersburg International Energy Forum - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 15th International Forum |
06.10 08.10.2015 |
PTFair Autumn: Engineering. Automation. Warehouse. Logistics. Industrial Safety. Labour Protection. KranTechExpo - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) Technical Fair |
Press release |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Ros-Gas-Expo - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 19th International Specialized Exhibition of Gas Industry and Technical Equipment for Gas Supply Facilities |
Online catalog Press release |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
TransEnergoExpo - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th Specialized Exhibition. Technologies and Equipment for Oil and Gas Exploration |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Power Machine Engineering - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th International Specialized Exhibition. Machine Engineering and Innovative Technologies for the Energy Industries |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Energy Saving and Power Efficiency. Innovative Technologies and Equipment - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 7th International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
30.09 02.10.2015 |
Autoindustry. Autocomponents - 2015 (Tolyatti) 9th International Specialized Exhibition |
29.09 02.10.2015 |
Water. Heating. Housing and Communal Services - 2015 (Perm) 7th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Water, Heat and Gas Supply for Industrial Enterprises and Housing and Public Utilities, Development of Engineering Services, Urban Improvement and Ecology |
29.09 01.10.2015 |
Labour Protection - 2015 (Ekaterinburg) Specialized Exhibition of Professional, Special, Departmental and Corporate Wear, Safety Shoes and Security Facilities |
29.09 30.09.2015 |
Saint-Petersburg International Forestry Forum - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 17th St. Petersburg International Forest Forum |
29.09 02.10.2015 |
Power Engineering. Electrical Engineering - 2015 (Perm) 18th Interregional Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Energy Production, Transmission and Distribution of Energy, Energy Saving and Electrical Facilities |
Press release |
28.09 30.09.2015 |
Bioenergy - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) International Bioenergy Exhibition and Conference |
28.09 30.09.2015 |
Interles - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) Exhibition and Demonstration of Technologies and Equipment for Logging, Forestry and Primary Woodworking |
28.09 30.09.2015 |
TEKHNODREV - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) 19th International Specialized Exhibition. Technologies, Equipment and Tools for Woodworking and Furniture Industry |
23.09 25.09.2015 |
SIPS/Securika - 2015 (Novosibirsk) 24th International Exhibition "Security and Fire Safety" |
Online catalog |
23.09 25.09.2015 |
Defectoscopy - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) ![]() International Specialised Exhibition of Equipment for Industrial Non-Destructive Testing |
23.09 25.09.2015 |
PromEXPO - 2015 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
23.09 25.09.2015 |
Surgut. Oil and Gas - 2015 (Surgut) 20th International Exhibition |
Press release |
22.09 25.09.2015 |
CeMAT Russia - 2015 (Moscow) 6th International Exhibition for Materials Handling, Warehousing Equipment and Logistics |
22.09 25.09.2015 |
Neva - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) International Exhibition on Shipbuilding, Navigation, Port Activities, Ocean and Shelf Development |
22.09 25.09.2015 |
Industrial Show - 2015 (Samara) 14th International Specialized Exhibition-Forum |
Online catalog |
16.09 19.09.2015 |
Far East Energy. Energy Conservation. Automation. Safety. Communication - 2015 (Khabarovsk) Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
15.09 18.09.2015 |
Oil and Gas. Fuel and Energy Complex - 2015 (Tyumen) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
15.09 18.09.2015 |
Siblesopolzovaniye. Woodworking. Wood Building - 2015 (Irkutsk) 22nd Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
08.09 10.09.2015 |
Defectoscopy/NDT St. Petersburg - 2015 (Saint-Petersburg) ![]() International Specialised Exhibition of Devices and Equipment for Industrial Non-destructive Testing |