Date | Title, short description | |
20.09 22.09.2011 |
Power Engineering for Ukrainian Industry - 2011 (Kiev) 9th International Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
15.09 18.09.2011 |
Your Home, Odessa (Autumn) - 2011 (Odessa) International Exhibition of Building and Accomplishment of Houses and Flats |
Press release |
15.09 18.09.2011 |
Gambrinusfest - 2011 (Odessa) Beer Festival |
14.09 16.09.2011 |
Electronics and Power Engineering - 2011 (Odessa) International Exhibition of Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment, Energy Saving Technologies |
Press release |
13.09 15.09.2011 |
Energoprom - 2011 (Dnepr) 11th National Exhibition of Energy Efficiency Technologies |
Online catalog |
07.09 10.09.2011 |
DECOR - 2011 (Kiev) 7th International Exhibition of Decor and Interior Items |
07.09 10.09.2011 |
Domestica - 2011 (Kiev) 3rd International Exhibition of Domestic Appliances |
07.09 09.09.2011 |
Industry of Fast Food - 2011 (Kiev) Specialized Exhibition |
07.09 10.09.2011 |
TableWare - 2011 (Kiev) 9th International Exhibition of Tableware |
07.09 10.09.2011 |
World of Gifts - 2011 (Kiev) 9th International Exhibition of Gifts |
07.09 09.09.2011 |
Industry of Beer and Soft Drinks - 2011 (Kiev) 18th Specialized Exhibition |
05.09 07.09.2011 |
EXPO-RUSSIA UKRAINE - 2011 (Kiev) Russian-Ukrainian Industrial Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
03.08 07.08.2011 |
Jeweller's Salon - 2011 (Odessa) Specialized Exhibition of Jewelry, Decorations, Watches, and Expensive Gifts |
07.06 10.06.2011 |
ConfectionerExpo - 2011 (Kiev) 5th International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
07.06 10.06.2011 |
Bread - 2011 (Kiev) 16th International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
01.06 03.06.2011 |
Agro-Logistics - 2011 (Odessa) Specialized Exhibition-Conference of Transport and Logistic Infrastructure of Grain Market |
01.06 03.06.2011 |
InterTransPort - 2011 (Odessa) International Exhibition and Conference of Transport, Port Complexes and Multimodal Transportation |
Press release |
31.05 03.06.2011 |
Power Generation. Electrical Engineering. Automation - 2011 (Donetsk) 13th International Specialized Exhibition |
27.05 29.05.2011 |
XPLANET - 2011 (Odessa) Exhibition for Adults |
26.05 29.05.2011 |
Children's World - 2011 (Lvov) 2nd Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
17.05 20.05.2011 |
Woodworking - 2011 (Lvov) 14th International Exhibition |
16.05 19.05.2011 |
Aqua-Therm Kiev - 2011 (Kiev) International Exhibition of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Water Supply, Plumbing and Swimming Pools |
Press release |
05.05 08.05.2011 |
Kyiv PhotoFair - 2011 (Kiev) 9th Internationa Kyivl PhotoFair |
28.04 30.04.2011 |
Safe City - 2011 (Odessa) Specialized Exhibition |
28.04 30.04.2011 |
OdessaAutoShow - 2011 (Odessa) Specialized Exhibition of Automobiles, Spare Parts, Accessories and Service Maintenance |
Press release |
20.04 22.04.2011 |
ZooVetExpo - 2011 (Kiev) 7th International Forum |
Online catalog |
20.04 22.04.2011 |
Composites and Fiberglass. Intersteklo - 2011 (Zaporozhye) Specialized Exhibition |
20.04 20.04.2011 |
Paints and Varnishes, Raw Materials and Equipment - 2011 (Kiev) 7th International Congress |
20.04 22.04.2011 |
Farmstead - 2011 (Kiev) 7th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
19.04 22.04.2011 |
Mashinotroenie - 2011 (Donetsk) 10th Anniversary Specialized Exhibition with International Participation |
19.04 22.04.2011 |
Primus: Interfarba - 2011 (Kiev) 10th International Specialized Exhibition |
19.04 21.04.2011 |
Primus: Building-Ukraine (Spring) - 2011 (Kiev) 39th International Specialized Exhibition of Construction, Architecture and Building Materials |
14.04 16.04.2011 |
Furniture of Your House - 2011 (Odessa) Specialized Exhibition |
14.04 16.04.2011 |
Farmstead. Country House. Landscape Design - 2011 (Odessa) 9th Specialized Exhibition of Landscape Architecture, Cottage Building, Equipment and Technologies for Farming and Country Life |
Press release |
13.04 15.04.2011 |
GalMED: Health and Longevity - 2011 (Lvov) Medical Exhibition-Fair |
13.04 15.04.2011 |
Stomatological Fair - 2011 (Lvov) Specialized Exhibition |
12.04 15.04.2011 |
Elcom Ukraine - 2011 (Kiev) 15th International Exhibition of Power Engineering, Electrical Goods, Energy Efficiency |
12.04 14.04.2011 |
Surface Engineering - 2011 (Kiev) Specialized Technical Exhibition with International Participation |
Press release |
12.04 14.04.2011 |
Sheet Meta ofl Ukraine - 2011 (Kiev) Specialized Technical Exhibition with International Participation |
Press release |
12.04 14.04.2011 |
Wire & Hardware Ukraine - 2011 (Kiev) Specialized Technical Exhibition with International Participation |
Press release |
12.04 14.04.2011 |
Tubes & Fittings Ukraine - 2011 (Kiev) Specialized Technical Exhibition with International Participation |
Press release |
07.04 10.04.2011 |
Universe of Beauty and Health - 2011 (Kiev) 11th International Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
07.04 10.04.2011 |
Wedding. Family Vernissage. Fashion World. Jewelry World- 2011 (Kiev) 11th International Specialized Exhibition |
29.03 01.04.2011 |
Metal-Working. Tools. Plastics - 2011 (Kiev) 3rd International Specialized Exhibition |
24.03 24.03.2011 |
MICE Ukraine - 2011 (Kiev) Conference "Business Tourism - Ukrane" |
24.03 26.03.2011 |
Mirror of Fashion - Dnepropetrovsk - 2011 (Dnepr) 11th National Exhibition of Beauty Industry |
24.03 27.03.2011 |
Golden Section - 2011 (Odessa) Specialized Exhibition of Spiritual Ñulture and Ethnic Traditions |
24.03 24.03.2011 |
Small Hotels and Apartments in Ukraine - 2011 (Kiev) International Business Forum |
24.03 27.03.2011 |
Jewellery Salon. Spring - 2011 (Odessa) International Specialized Exhibition |
23.03 25.03.2011 |
Brand 4 Rent - 2011 (Kiev) 5th International Exhibition and Conference"Franchising and Other Business Opportunities" |