Parking Russia - 2025
Parking Russia - 2025

Server News

18-Feb-2016 continued cooperation with "Expo-Tolyatti", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Tolyatti. More info...

17-Feb-2016 continued work with company "Euroforum", there is our info about International Specialized Exhibition "Stroyexpo. Mortgage - 2016" which will be held in Petrozavodsk. More info...

16-Feb-2016 continued cooperation with the "ITE Siberia", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Novosibirsk. More info...

15-Feb-2016 continued cooperation with Commercial and industrial chamber of Vladimir area, our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Vladimir. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "TATEXPO", our portal contains information about the Exhibition for Professionals of Beauty Industry "Kosmetik Expo. Volga Region - 2016", which will take place in Kazan. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Exhibition "Real Estate Fair", Ltd., our portal contains information about the exhibitions "Building a Country House - 2016 " and "Real Estate Fair - 2016", which will take place in Saint-Petersburg. More info...

09-Feb-2016 continued cooperation with "MaxInform", our portal has information about Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Services for Construction and Furnishing "Stroy-Expo - 2016", which will be held in Tver. More info...

08-Feb-2016 started work with company "Alliance Expo", there is our info about Specialized Exhibition "Almaty Luxury - 2016" which will be held in Almaty. More info...

02-Feb-2016 continued cooperation with "Sofit-Expo", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Saratov. More info...

01-Feb-2016 continued cooperation with company "Dominanta RVK", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Simferopol. More info...

29-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with ITE GROUP PLC, our portal has information about 22nd Exhibition of Building and Finishing Materials "MosBuild - 2016", which will be held in Moscow. More info...

28-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with TMDC "Technopark", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Tomsk. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Collector ltd.", our portal contains information about the Specialized Exhibition "Authorial Gimmicks - 2016", which will take place in Saint-Petersburg. More info...

26-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with Exhibition Center "ExpoNovgorod", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Veliky Novgorod. More info...

25-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga" Ltd., our portal has information about 19th Interregional Exhibition for Beauty "Charm Beauty Shop - 2016", which will be held in Samara. More info...

22-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with Congress and exhibition association "SIVEL", our portal has information about Exhibition-Fair "Beauty. Health. Youth - 2016", which will be held in Saint-Petersburg. More info...

21-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with the "Pomorskaya Yarmarka" ltd., our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Arkhangelsk. More info...

19-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with LLC "Avega", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Kazan. More info...

18-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with the "SibExpoService", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Kyzyl. More info...

15-Jan-2016 continued cooperation with the "Vyatka Market Plus", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Kirov. More info...
