CleanExpo Урал -2025
Интеграция - 2025

Exhibitions news

DIYmarket - 2012: From 8th to 10th of October in Moscow at Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" the International specialized exhibition of DIY goods and trade equipment "DIYmarket - 2012" will be held. It will provide direct access to Russian regional networks. More info...

BuildExpo - 2012: Is the largest trade event held annually in Tanzania - International Building Exhibition "BuildExpo" will be held from 20 to 22 May this year in Dar es Salaam. More info...

China International Oil & Gas Storage & Transportation Technology & Equipment Exhibition (CIOGST) - 2012: "China International Oil & Gas Storage & Transportation Technology & Equipment Exhibition (CIOGST) - 2012", the largest exhibition in the industry of oil & gas storage and transportation, will be held from 13 to 15 June in Beijing. More info...

Sviaz-Expocomm - 2012: The International exhibition of telecommunication equipment, control systems, information technologies and communication services "Sviaz-Expocomm - 2012" will be held within the "Days of Infocommunications - 2012" in Moscow from 14th to 17th of May. More info...

Techno4 - 2012: The last developments in the field of engineering industry will be presented in Coimbatore (India) from 8th to 10th of June at International Exhibition "Techno4 - 2012". More info...

Autostrada-Polska - 2012: In Kielce from 8th to 11th of May the exhibition "Autostrada-Polska - 2012" will be held, the exhibition will round companies from various countries, representatives of the world brands and firms involved in road building up at one area. More info...

Rotra - 2012: The International fair of road transport "Rotra - 2012" will be held in Kielce from 8th to 11th of May concurrently with International fair of road transport "Autostrada-Polska". More info...

BuildExpo Kenya - 2012: International Building Exhibition "BuildExpo Kenya - 2012" will be held from 5 to 7 May in Nairobi. The Event is all set to present over 10000 products, equipment and machinery from over 30 countries. More info...

INTERPORT - 2012: The Specialized exhibition of port construction and operation "INTERPORT - 2012" will be held from 7th to 9th of November in Moscow with the support of RF Ministry of Transport and International transport academy. More info...

ARCH Moscow - 2012: Within the 3rd Moscow Architecture Biennale the International Exhibition of Architecture and Design "ARCH Moscow - 2012 " will be held in Moscow in Central House of Artists from 23rd to 27th of May. More info...

The World of Milk - 2012: 9th International Specialized Exhibition of Dairy Products and Specialized Equipment "The World of Milk - 2012" will be held in Sofia from 7 to 10 of November. More info...

ISK-SODEX - 2012: International Exhibition of Sanitary, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technologies "ISK-SODEX - 2012" Trade Fair will be held from 2 to 5 May in Istambul. More info...

Otomotiv - 2012: International Exhibition of Automobiles, Spare Parts, Components, Accessories and Service "Otomotiv - 2012" will be held between 6 and 9 December in Istambul. More info...

Medifest South Africa - 2012: Advances in medicine, diagnostic, stomatology and laboratory testing will be present on the exhibition "Medifest South Africa - 2012" which will be held from 20th to 29th of August in Durban (South Africa). More info...

China International Exhibition on NGV, Engines, Gas Refueling Station and Hydrogen Energy - 2012: From 12th to 14th of September in Nanjing (PRC) the exhibition on gas industry and hydrogen energy "China International Exhibition on NGV, Engines, Gas Refueling Station and Hydrogen Energy - 2012" will take place. More info...

Maritime Industry of Russia - 2012: Matters of shipbuilding and introduction of innovations in marine machinery and building of civil ships will be discussed at the International forum "Marine industry of Russia - 2012" which will be held from 23th to 25th of May in Moscow. More info...

Ophthalmologic Optics - 2012: From 21st to 24th of February in International exhibition center "Crocus Expo" the International specialized exhibition "Ophthalmologic optics - 2012" will be held. More info...

Prodexpo - 2012: The major annual business-event for Russian food industry - 19th International exhibition of foodstuff, beverages and raw stuff for their production "Prodexpo - 2012" will be held from 13th to 17th of February in Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre". More info...

International Forum of Exhibition Industry - 5pEXPO - 2012: From 6th to 8th of June in Moscow the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Central Exhibition Center "Expocentre" will hold the International forum of exhibition industry "5pEXPO - 2012" - the largest event for Russian exhibition association. More info...

ITM - Intourmarket - 2012: SkyТeam alliance has included the 7th International tourist exhibition "ITM - Intourmarket" - 2012" in the program "Global Meetings". The exhibition will be held from 17th to 20th of March. More info...
