Здравоохранение Урала - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
MosHome - 2025

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Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Baikal Expo, LLC, our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Ulan-Ude. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Commercial and industrial chamber of Vladimir area, our portal has information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Vladimir. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the SOUTH URAL CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION CENTER "EXPOCHEL", our portal has information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Chelyabinsk. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Organizing Technical Centre "Interopttorg", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Moscow. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Vyatka Market Plus, our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Belgorod. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "Ural Exhibitions", our portal has information about trade show "Art Ekaterinburg - 2021", which will be held in Ekaterinburg. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "Expotour" Ltd., our portal has information about International Travel Fair "Intourmarket - 2021", which will be held in Moscow. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Arsenal Expo, our portal has information about 28th Moscow Exhibition-Sale "Arsenal - 2021", which will be held in Moscow. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru started work with the Architect.Today, our portal has information about International Exhibition of Architecture, Design and Construction "Architect Today - 2021", which will be held in Saint-Petersburg. More info...>>>

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Exhibition Company "ROCHEXPO", our portal has information about 7th Specialized Dental Exhibition "Stomatology. Crimea - 2021", which will be held in Simferopol. More info...>>>

This year the enterprise group "RESTEC" is 20 years old. More info...>>>

As the exhibition season comes close, the more noticeable is the interest in the upcoming business events in Uzbekistan. ITE Uzbekistan announces the projects of the spring exhibition season. More info...>>>

"Expocentre" invites the companies, which brands take up the top positions in the sector of food industry and foodstuff production, to take part in the specialized action "The Alley of Brands". More info...>>>

The international exhibition of fabrics and textile materials "INTERFABRIC - 2023. Autumn", held in Moscow from September 5 to 7, has ended. The final post-release is posted on our portal. More info...>>>

At the exhibition "Living Abroad - 2020", which will be held from April 24 to 25 in Moscow, each visitor will have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of living in a particular country. More info...>>>

MPIRES - Зарубежная недвижимость - 2020. Весна: On March 13 and 14 the 9th international exhibition of overseas property "MPIRES - Foreign Real Estate - 2020. Spring" will be held at the Moscow Expocentre, will traditionally showcase all types of foreign real estate. More info...>>>

Weldex - 2019: At the international exhibition for welding materials, equipment and technologies "Weldex - 2019", which will be held from 15 to 18 October in Moscow, the sector of welding robots will be presented. More info...>>>

Продэкспо - 2019: The 1st meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the 25th international specialized wholesale exhibition-fair "ProdExpo - 2019", which will take place from November 12 to 15, was held in Minsk. More info...>>>

Kids Russia - 2020: In Moscow from 11 to 13 February the 14th international specialized exhibition of products for children "Kids Russia - 2020" will be held. More info...>>>

Управление магазином - 2019: "Changing of shopping scenarios for an offline retail store. New generation Loyalty System" that is what Kirill Kazantsev will talk about during practical conference "Store Management - 2019", which will take place in Moscow from 11 to 13 September. More info...>>>

Школьная ярмарка - 2019: From 23 August to 1 September, a specialized fair of goods and services for the school and sports sections "School Fair - 2019" will be held in Murmansk. More info...>>>

BelTexIndustry - 2019: From 2 to 4 October, at the national exhibition center "BelExpo", in Minsk, the 44th international specialized exhibition-fair of selling of light and textile industries' products "BelTexIndustry - 2019" will be held. More info...>>>

OUTLET - 2019: The fair of sales, discounts and promotions from participating companies from all regions of Russia and other countries of the world "OUTLET - 2019" will be held in Saint-Petersburg, in pavilion 7 Lenexpo, from 26 to 29 September. More info...>>>

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