АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Exhibitions news

Planet of Childhood - 2010: On February 24 - 28, in Saint Petersburg, at "Lenexpo" fairgrouns, the traditional exhibition "Planet of Childhood - 2010" will be held. More info...

Senior Citizens - 2010: On March 18 - 21, in Saint Petersburg, at the "Lenexpo" fairgrounds, the International Forum "Senior Citizens - 2010" will be held. More info...

Ecology of Big City - 2010: The International Ecological Forum "Ecology of Big City - 2010" will be held on March 17 - 19, in Saint Petersburg, at the "Lenexpo" fairgounds. More info...

Subsurface Resources - 2010. Study. Exploration. Extraction: On April 6 -8, in Moscow, on the territory of All-Russian Exhibition Center, the 7th International Exhibition "Subsurface Resources - 2010. Study. Exploration. Extraction" will be held, timed to Geologist's Day celebration. More info...

ExpoMix - 2010: The organizer, the Academic Scientific and Technical Center "ALIT", invites You to visit and take part in the 1st International Specialized Exhibition "ExpoMix - 2010", which is going to be held on October 26 - 28, in Moscow. More info...

ConTech - 2010: The International Specialized Exhibition "ConTech - 2010" will be held on October 26 - 28 at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. More info...

MSOO - 2010: On February 24 - 27, in the pavilion № 1 at the "Expocentre" Fairgrounds (Moscow) the largest in Russia and in the Eastern Europe show of modern optical industry achievements - the International Salon of Ophthalmologic Optics "MSOO - 2010" - will be held More info...

NDT Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry - 2010: 9th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference of Devices and Equipment for Non-destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry "NDT RUSSIA - 2010" will be held on March 17-19 at SC "Olimpiysky" (Moscow). More info...

Russian Week of Electronics - 2010: The Organizing Committee of the "Russian Week of Electronics - 2010" is continued to be formed. The event will be held on October 26 - 28, at the Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow. More info...

Drinks Industry / Russian Wine Fair - 2009: On November 26, at 15:00, within the framework of the International Exhibition "Industry of Drinks / Russian Wine Fair - 2009", debates on the topic: "Whether the State Monopoly on Alcohol is Necessary" will take place. More info...

Drinks Industry / Russian Wine Fair - 2009: Within the framework of the exhibition "Industry of Drinks / Russian Wine Fair - 2009", which will be held on November 26-28 in Moscow, the "Complex-Bar" company will present professional glass of Libbey in Tasting Area for wine testing. More info...

Integrated Systems Russia - 2009: On December 8, within the framework of the 3rd International Exhibition-Conference "Integrated Systems Russia - 2009", which is going to be held on December 8-10 in Moscow, the conference under the same title will be carried out. More info...

Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixes - 2009: On October 27-29 in Moscow, at the Expocentre Fairgrounds, the Specialized Building Forum "Cement. Concrete. Building Mixtures - 2009" was held. Our portal contains its final press-release. More info...

Building Ground of the Future - 2010: A significant event will be held on March 18-20, 2010, the Architectural and Building Forum "Building Ground of the Future - 2010", in the largest exhibition center of Sochi town in "Zhemchuzhina" Hotel Complex for professionals of building industry. More info...

Bezpeka - 2009: On November 2-5, in Kiev, the 14th International Exhibition of Security Systems and Means "Bezpeka - 2009" was held. Our portal contains its final press-release. More info...

Drinks Industry / Russian Wine Fair - 2009: At the International Exhibition "Industry of Drinks / Russian Wine Fair - 2009", which will be held on November 26-28 in Moscow, there will be a master-class: "Wine of the New World: Australian Heat in a Wineglass". More info...

ChipEXPO - 2009: On October 21-23, at the Expocentre Fairgrounds (Moscow), the 7th International Exhibition of Electronic Components, Equipment, and Technologies "ChipEXPO - 2009" was held, our portal contains the final press-release. More info...

PeterFOOD - 2009: On November 17-19, in Saint Petersburg, the 9th Food Forum "Big City Trade", the 3rd "Assembly of Saint Petersburg Directors", and the 2nd Mega-Seminar will be held as part of the 18th International Food Exhibition "Peterfood - 2009". More info...

HI-Tech Building - 2009: On December 8-10, in the Gostiny Dvor (Москва), the 8th International Exhibition-Congress "HI-Tech Building - 2009" will be held. More info...

Ingredients - 2009: The 12th Moscow International Exhibition "Ingredients - 2009" will be held at the International Exhibition Complex "Crocus Expo" (Moscow) on November 24-27. More info...
