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Exhibitions news

New Year's Present - 2009: The Exhibition-Fair of Consumer Goods, Holiday and New Year's Gifts "New Year's Present - 2009", is going to be held on December 17-20 in Saint Petersburg. More info...

InterLight - 2009: On November 10, at the Expocentre fairgrounds, there was a ceremonial opening of the 15th International Specialized Exhibition "Interlight - 2009", which is recognized as the main lighting industry event in Russia. More info...

Drinks Industry / Russian Wine Fair - 2009: Mr Robert Joseph, on November 27, within the framework of the International Exhibition "Industry of Drinks / Russian Wine Fair - 2009", will carry out a master class "The Best Russian and Foreign Wines, Presented at the Exhibition". More info...

Art. Theatre. Museum - 2009: On November 10-12, at "Lenexpo" fairgrounds, the International Specialized Exhibition of Services on Designing, Building, and Reconstruction "Art. Theatre. Museum - 2009" is going to be held. More info...

Dental Expo Saint-Petersburg - 2009: The 2nd International Dental Forum "Dental-Expo. Saint Petersburg - 2009" was opened in Saint Petersburg. The organizers are the companies PRIMEXPO and DENTALEXPO. More info...

Architectural Building Week - 2009: From 11th to 13th of November the 8th Specialized Exhibition "Architectural and Building Week - 2009" will be held in Surgut. More info...

International Congress of Cement Manufacturers - 2009: "International Congress of Cement Manufacturers - 2009" was held on October 6-10 in Belgorod, our portal contains its final press-release. More info...

Mir Detstva - 2009: October 27 saw the official opening of the 15th International Exhibition. Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers. New Educational and Personality Development Programmes "Mir Detstva - 2009". More info...

Expopriority - 2009: The new project of the "Expocenter" - International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority - 2009" will help the participants to stand upon their rights at the stage of subsequent patenting. More info...

Integrated Systems Russia - 2009: On December 8-10, at Gostiny Dvor (Moscow), the largest annual event in Russia and CIS - the 3rd International Exhibition-Conference "Integrated Systems Russia - 2009" will be held. More info...

Sklad. Transport. Logistika - 2009: On October 26, in the pavilion № 1 at the Exhibitiuon Complex "Expocenter" (Moscow), a ceremonial opening of the 16th International Exhibition of Logistics Systems and Transporting Services "Sklad. Transport. Logistika - 2009" was carried out. More info...

: From 26th till 27th of November, in Moscow, at the Institute of World Economics and International Relations, there will be the 4th International Forum of Building Industry "InterBuildCon - 2009". More info...

CITY BUILD - 2009: On October 19-22, in Moscow, in the new pavilion № 75 at VVC, in accordance with the exhibition organizing plan of the Moscow Government, the 3rd International Building Forum "CITY BUILD - 2009" is going to be held. More info...

itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009: On October 22, from 13:00 to 16:00, as part of the "itCOM - Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009", a seminar "Electronic Digital Signature - From Electronic Government to Electronic Document Exchange" is going to be held. More info...

itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009: On October 22, from 10:00 till 11:30, in the middle hall of the expocenter "Sibir" (Krasnoyarsk), there will be a sitting of a round table "Practical Means of Enterprise Information Safety Support. Protection of Users Against Cyber Fraud". More info...

itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009: Within the frameworks of the 16th Specialized Exhibition "itCOM-Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009" (October 22-24, Krasnoyarsk) there will be a photo exposition, devoted to the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya Electric Power Station. More info...

Expopriority - 2009: The management of the 1st International Forum "Exhibition Priority - 2009" thinks that one of the main goals of the Forum is the support and development of the innovative activity in the Russian Federation. More info...

itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009: On October 22-24, at the EC "Siberia" (Krasnoyarsk), the Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means , Computers, Information and Internet Technologies "itCOM - Information Technologies. Telecommunications." will be held. More info...

ChipEXPO - 2009: On October 21, in Moscow, at the Centarl Exhibition Complex "Expocenter", in the pavilion № 7, the 7th International Exhibition of Electronics, Microelectronics, and Components "ChipEXPO - 2009" will start its work. More info...

Obuv'. Mir Kozhi - Autumn - 2009: On October 13, at "Expocenter", the 31st International Exhibition of Footwear and Ready Leather Products "Obuv'. Mir Kozhi - Autumn - 2009" started its work. More info...
